What is Data@Rensselaer?

Data@Rensselaer is an open resource for all RPI students and faculty to use. We are trying to use data science to create a new way for people to coordinate learning.

Are their any requirements to use Data@Rensselaer?

Everyone can use our notebooks to get a general learning experience. You don’t need to download any software to use our resources; you can look through all of the notebooks through this website, or use the Colab links provided to interact with them. Most of our notebooks are written in Python, and so people with coding experience can take full advantage of our notebooks and the code behind it using Colab. Also, there are some notebooks that require specific packages if you want to follow along, but they include instructions on how to obtain them.

Lastly, downloading Jupyter Notebook is only required for people who want to modify our notebook or use the extra assignments provided in some of the notebooks.

How can I use the notebooks?

Students can use notebooks for learning and teaching. We do allow people modify our notebooks under certain license.

What kind of topics will be presented?

We will cover topics in engineering and science such as linear regression and principal component analysis.

Can I contribute to Data@Rensselaer?

Yes! Our Github repository is included in the sidebar for anyone to access. For help on how to contribute your notebooks to our collection, check out the README on the bottom of the repository page.